Preserving Darwin Harbour’s environmental value for generations to come is an important part of meeting the sustainable objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.
The Northern Territory Government is working to transform Middle Arm into a sustainable ‘development ready’ industrial precinct.
The precinct will be a master planned area with a focus on low emission hydrocarbons, green hydrogen, advanced manufacturing, carbon capture and storage and minerals processing.
The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is leading the planning and design process and environmental approvals. Protecting the environment is critical to planning and design.
The precinct is positioned to create jobs, grow manufacturing and strengthen our economy while adhering to robust sustainability principles.
The benefits of a master planned precinct include:
- co-locating similar industries in one place rather than spread around the harbour
- an overarching environmental performance framework
- shared infrastructure rather than each project duplicating
- better certainty for the community about potential development over the next 50 years
- assessing and managing cumulative impacts on the environment, culture, economy and society rather than incremental consideration project by project
- greater certainty for investors and proponents about what is appropriate and acceptable at Middle Arm
- strategic planning for the pipeline of jobs, procurement, social infrastructure and land release.
DIPL is committed to providing regular updates on the project and engaging with stakeholders and the community.
To find out more visit