The Territory Labor Government is ensuring Water Security for all Territorians.
Today the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security Lauren Moss has announced the appointment of a new independent NT Controller of Water Resources, Mr Andrew Johnson PSM who will commence in the role on 1 May 2023.
With more than 40 years’ experience in agriculture, natural resources, water and environmental management in the Northern Territory, South Australia and internationally as a member of the Nepal-Australia Joint Advisory Committee on Water Resources, Andrew Johnson has vast experience and skills to bring to the Territory.
The Controller of Water Resources has wide-ranging powers under the Act including granting licences and permits, approving actions and appointing authorised officers to implement regulation and compliance programs.
The Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security will continue to be responsible for administering the Water Act 1992 and will support the new Water Controller in decision-making processes.
For more information on the role of the NT Controller of Water Resources visit
Quotes from Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security Lauren Moss:
“The Territory Labor Government is delivering new projects and policies to effectively manage its water resources for its growing economy.
“The appointment of an independent Controller of Water Resources reinforces the integrity of the decision-making framework established under the Water Act and I look forward to working with Andrew when he commences in this important role.
“I also want to thank the CEO of the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Jo Townsend for her dedicated work as the former Controller of Water Resources.
Quotes from Independent Controller of Water Resources Andrew Johnson:
“I am looking forward to commencing as the independent NT Controller of Water Resources next month.
“Having been involved with the Territory’s water security since October 2021 as the Chair of the Western Davenport and Ti Tree Water Advisory Committees, I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside a diverse range of Territorians and organisations on a complex project, and I look forward to bringing my broad experience to the position.”
Source: NT Government Newsroom