Top End Energy Limited (Top End or the Company) (ASX:TEE) is pleased to provide an update on its natural Hydrogen screening study (the Study) covering its prioritised asset portfolio in the Greater McArthur Basin in the Northern Territory.
- Phase I natural Hydrogen assessment completed including interpretation of source potential, migration, leakage and retention over key permits in the Northern Territory
- Highly prospective play fairways for natural Hydrogen identified across Company’s prioritised NT acreage
- Key systems elements interpreted to be present for natural Hydrogen are also encouraging for the exploration of Helium, a valuable end product in short global supply
- Opportunity to conduct on-ground surveys tailored to natural Hydrogen and Helium on the back of Greater McArthur Basin licence awards
- Further develops the Company’s strategy of pursuing clean end products to complement existing focus on exploring for natural gas as a key transitional fuel
- Q2 2023 grant of Exploration Permit (EP) 258 anticipated following approval of native title holders to enter into exploration agreement with the Company
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