EP 117 Operations Update: SS-1H DFIT results demonstrate over pressured regime, similar to the Tanumbirini wells
- Results from the diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT) of the Mid Velkerri B Shale in the Shenandoah South 1H (SS-1H) well have demonstrated an over pressured regime, with a pore pressure gradient of at least 0.54 pounds per square inch (psi) per foot, in line with results demonstrated at Tanumbirini (0.51 – 0.56 psi per foot).
- The results provide confidence that the upcoming flow test of the SS-1H well can replicate or exceed commercial flow tests achieved at the Tanumbirini 2H (T2H) and Tanumbirini 3H (T3H) wells in the Santos-operated EP 161 acreage.
- Condor have commenced the mobilisation of stimulation equipment to the SS-1H well pad ahead of the planned 10 stage stimulation program in November 2023. IP30 flow rate results are on track to be released in early Q1 2024, subject to the timing of stimulation fluid flow back.
- On the successful flow testing of SS-1H, Tamboran and the Beetaloo Joint Venture (BJV) expect to be in a position to sanction the proposed Pilot Development in the Shenandoah South region.
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Source: Tamboran Resources