Consultation is now open on the focus areas for Australia’s First Nations Clean Energy Strategy.
The consultation invites your views on how to enable First Nations peoples to lead and benefit from the clean energy transformation.
The First Nations Clean Energy Strategy aims to ensure First Nations peoples can:
- meaningfully participate in and benefit from Australia’s clean energy transformation
- access affordable and reliable renewable energy
- lead and be equal partners in the energy transformation.
First Nations peoples have strong local and cultural knowledge, including management of Country. This knowledge can, and should, inform how Australia transforms its energy systems to achieve net zero emissions.
We’re developing the strategy in partnership with First Nations peoples, organisations and communities across Australia.
We’re also holding a series of Roundtables with:
- representatives from First Nations communities
- Traditional Owners
- Prescribed Body Corporates
- Land Councils
- industry, government, law and policy experts
- state and territory governments.
We will use the feedback received through this consultation, the Roundtables and regional conversations to inform the development of the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy, which will be delivered by mid-2024.
To have your say:
- read the consultation paper
- provide a written submission (optional)
- provide feedback by completing the online form on the consultation hub.
Read more
Source: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water