Applications for a new grant program to grow the circular economy are now open!
Circular Economy NT (CENT) is a $1.5 million grant program that will support Northern Territory (NT) businesses to turn waste into a valuable commodity.
Businesses can apply to fund projects that will improve recycling outcomes and address critical gaps around waste management and resource recovery in the NT.
These grants are focused on waste streams in construction and demolition, food and garden organics, commercial and industrial and e-waste including PV solar panels.
Grants are available for a minimum of $50,000 and applicants must co-contribute on a 50:50 basis. Once the project is completed, the program must remain operational for 5 years.
Applications close Friday 5 January 2024 and will be assessed on a competitive basis. For further information and to apply visit
Turning waste into a valuable commodity keeps it within the economy and out of landfill, two goals that are a priority of the Northern Territory Circular Economy Strategy 2022 – 2027.
The NT Government has a key role to play in incentivising material recovery, reprocessing and remanufacture.
Work continues on two other key priorities in the strategy, which are to improve the Container Deposit Scheme and to phase out and ban problematic single use plastics by 2025.
Container Deposit Scheme improvements
Another piece of work that is underway to incentivise material recovery and reprocessing is a raft of changes to the Container Deposit Scheme.
Earlier this year, public consultation was held to seek feedback about changes to simplify and expand the scope of eligible containers, improve scheme data and reporting and incentivise container returns by setting targets.
While the Container Deposit Scheme is a successful and well-known recycling initiative in the Northern Territory (NT), changes will aim to make it easier for Territorians to keep valuable resources out of landfill.
A list of current Container Deposit Scheme collection depots across the Territory is available on the NTEPA website.
Single Use Plastics ban – it’s time to move to reuse
Work is also continuing on phasing out single use plastics across the NT. Public consultation was held earlier this year, and 99.3% of community survey respondents supported reducing single-use plastics.
Feedback also strongly supported improvements to waste and recycling infrastructure, to increase the number of resource recovery systems across the NT, and investment to support food organics and garden organics (FOGO).
The consultation summary is available on Have Your Say website.
How you can support the circular economy
Move to reuse
Make sure you have a reusable kit ready to go. This can include commonly used single-use plastic items like a reusable coffee cup, straw and food container. Keep them in a reusable bag in a handy spot like the car boot or near the front door.
Container Deposit Scheme
If you don’t already, start collecting eligible containers and return them to receive a 10 cent refund for each item. Did you know you can collect and donate your refunds to community organisations and charities? If you’re part of a community group, sports club or school you can also set up a collection point to raise money.
Source: Department of Environment Parks and Water Security