The Territory Labor Government is ensuring we continue to support industry and develop a modern skilled workforce for the Territory’s future with the Industry Skills Advisory Council NT (ISACNT) the successful recipient of the 2024-29 Workforce Advisory Grant.
ISACNT will receive $3 million per annum for the next five years to deliver workforce advisory services to both the NT Government and all industries across the Northern Territory.
The purpose of this funding is to support and grow our local businesses by supporting workforce development, addressing skill shortages and strengthening industry capability.
Of the five submissions received, ISACNT was assessed during a competitive grant assessment process as the strongest applicant by an independent panel.
As an independent not-for-profit, ISACNT specialises in gathering intelligence and provides advice on workforce development, training package development, skill shortages, and workforce solutions for industry. ISACNT’s purpose is to increase industry capability and capacity across the Territory.
Quotes to attribute to Minister for Business and Jobs Joel Bowden:
“ISACNT have a strong track-record in developing workforce solutions, training packages and providing expert advice to industry and the Territory Government.
“Their expertise in working with both local and national stakeholders ensures they understand and champion the Territory’s unique and complex needs in the national workforce and skills framework agenda.
“This funding will ensure ISACNT can continue to play a pivotal role in supporting government and industry to grow a skilled workforce, inform policy, programs and investment and play a major role in the Territory achieving our target of a $40 billion economy by 2030.”
Quotes to attribute to ISACNT CEO Amelia Nuku:
“This funding will ensure ISACNT can continue to support Government and industry in growing a skilled, agile and capable workforce.
“ISACNT looks forward to continuing to engage with peak industry bodies, industry and the training sector as well as provide advice to government to ensure the Territory’s priority skills, workforce gaps, challenges and opportunities are maximised.”
Caption L-R: M&J Builders Director Jessica Buckley, ISACNT CEO Amelia Nuku, M&J apprentice Brett Wilson, Minister Joel Bowden, M&J apprentice Kain Fuller and GTNT CEO Kathryn Stenson pictured at the new KFC site in Stuart Park.
NT Workforce NT Workforce Snapshot
NT Regional Workforce NT Regional Snapshots
NT Industry Snapshots NT Industry Snapshots

Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom