Construction activity is ramping up on the Darwin Ship Lift Facility project with work progressing on and off site.
Head contractor Clough-BMD Joint Venture (CBJV) has now fully mobilised to the East Arm site and commenced construction activity site, including:
- locating and identifying existing underground services
- demolishing and removing existing concrete structures
- constructing temporary access to the ship lift site for construction vehicles.
Construction activity completed off site includes:
- installation of site office and crib facilities at the Common User Facility adjacent to the ship lift site on Berrimah Road
- preparatory works for dredge spoil placement in the ponds at Darwin Port on Berrimah Road.
Further on site construction activity planned for this month includes importing quarry materials, commencing site establishment works for dredging and placement of imported material.
Approximately $17.8 million in supply and subcontracts to date have been awarded to local Territory businesses, including $16.9 million to Wilga Indigenous Corporation to supply quarried rock to construct the Darwin Ship Lift Facility.
Find out more on the construction progress here. While keeping informed on the project here.