Top End Energy has been granted NT Exploration Permit 258 (EP 258), the first such permit in the Northern Territory since 2015. This milestone follows a multi-year application process, including native title holder agreements and NT Ministerial approvals.
The grant allows for an immediate start to the exploration program, which includes:
- Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) Survey
- Targeted 2D Seismic Acquisition and Data Processing
- Geochemical Analysis of Gas Migration Pathways
- Drill Prospect Determination and Ranking
The exploration aims to confirm the extension of the Velkerri Shale and the presence of the Bessie Sandstone formation. It will also evaluate natural hydrogen and helium potential. The AGG survey is expected to begin in Q3 2024, funded by current cash reserves.
This achievement sets the stage for the potential grant of additional NT permits (EP 257, EP 259, and EP 261) and reflects industry support from both federal and Territory governments for natural gas development.
Source: Top End Energy
Northern Territory Government Statement