The Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory (Inquiry) has released ACIL Allen Consulting Pty Ltd’s (ACIL Allen) independent economic impact assessment of a potential onshore unconventional shale gas industry in the Northern Territory (NT), The Economic Impacts of a Potential Shale Gas Development in the Northern Territory (report).
The report focuses on the potential direct and indirect economic benefits, impacts and risks of onshore shale gas development in the NT under the current regulatory regime, if the Northern Territory Government were to lift the moratorium.
The report consists of five scenarios over a 25-year time frame, namely:
1. Baseline: the moratorium remains and nothing changes.
2. Shale calm: the moratorium is lifted, but only exploration and appraisal activity occur for a period of three years and development is found to be not commercially viable. This requires two well pads and 16 wells to be built in the 2019 financial year with market testing to take place in 2020.
3.Shale breeze: the moratorium is lifted, exploration and appraisal activity occurs, and a small scale development 100 Terajoules per day (TJ/day) takes place resulting in 13 pads and 103 wells.
4. Shale wind: the moratorium is lifted and a moderate scale (400TJ/day) development occurs, with 34 pads and 267 wells.
5. Shale Gale: the moratorium is lifted and a larger scale (1000TJ/day) development occurs, with 84 pads and 670 wells.
To download the full report go to: NT Government Fracking Inquiry website