Building a productive onshore gas industry that protects our unique environment and delivers local jobs
Government partners with CSIRO, Australia’s national science research agency Government this week signed a grant agreement with CSIRO’s GISERA (Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance) to engage the significant and trusted research capabilities of CSIRO to deliver independent and transparent advice to government on gas development in the Northern Territory.
The GISERA is an alliance involving Industry, Government and CSIRO contributing funds to undertake independent research projects relevant to the development and sustainability of the gas industry in regions. CSIRO’s GISERA aims are to:
• Carry out research and provide information for the benefit of all Australian communities in onshore gas regions and industry.
• Inform governments and policy-makers of key research outcomes.
Projects undertaken by GISERA are endorsed and effectively commissioned by a GISERA Regional Research Advisory Committee (RRAC). The committee reviews and approves all research projects, in order to ensure CSIRO’s independence.
The GISERA collaboration will progress research into the social, economic and environmental impacts of the onshore gas industry in the Northern Territory. The GISERA model will have a provision to include research partnerships with Northern Territory institutions and research bodies, and local business growth may be considered in project proposal development.
Read full bulletin here