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Implementation Plan Released The Northern Territory Government has released its plan to implement the recommendations of the Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory (the Inquiry).
The Implementation Plan responds to the recommendations in the Final Report from the Inquiry.
The plan is in two parts. The booklet outlines government’s response to the Inquiry and how and when each key component will be implemented. This plan is supported by a list of all recommendations and further details how each will be implemented. Both the plan and the accompanying list of recommendations are available online at
The recommendations deal with complex and often interrelated issues. They have been grouped into six major reform areas, and bring together recommendations that require a similar or coordinated response, such as developing mandatory Codes of Practice, or managing social and cultural impacts. The reform areas are:
• Strengthening Regulation;
• Ensuring Accountable Industry Practice;
• Safeguarding Water and the Environment;
• Respecting Community and Culture;
• Maximising Regional Benefits and Local Opportunities; and
• Planning for Industry.
Read full bulletin here