CSIRO GISERA release report on wet season baseline methane monitoring in the Beetaloo Sub-basin
CSIRO GISERA (Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance) has published its third milestone report following its final round of wet season baseline methane monitoring in the Beetaloo Sub-basin.
CSIRO GISERA was engaged by the Territory Government to undertake baseline monitoring of methane concentrations prior to the grant of any exploration permits. This is in line with recommendation 9.3 from the Final Report of the Independent Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory.
This milestone report presents the findings of the third methane baseline surveys, which was conducted during the Northern Territory wet season between 30 January and 5 February 2019.
Previous surveys were conducted during the dry season in July and August 2018, and during the fire season in November 2018. Each of the reports is available on the GISERA website. A Final Report of the baseline survey activity will be completed by CSIRO GISERA in the coming weeks
As with previous surveys, this survey was conducted using two gas analysers mounted in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. The vehicle covered about 4,050 km on roads and tracks which were accessible in the wet season conditions.
Methane concentrations were found to be mostly similar to natural concentrations with an average of 1.84 parts per million. No elevated atmospheric methane emissions were detected near abandoned petroleum wells and water bores that were visited during the first two surveys.
Termite mounds were found to be a seasonal source of methane which contrasts with previous measurements, where no measurable atmospheric methane emissions were detected during the dry season and fire season.
This survey completes the on ground baseline methane monitoring in the Beetaloo Sub-basin for pre-exploration activities. CSIRO GISERA is expected to publish its final report later this month.
Results of these studies are important for delivering on the recommendations of the Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory.
To read the latest from the Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance, please visit https://gisera.csiro.au/
To read the Implementation Plan or access additional information, please visit hydraulicfracturing.nt.gov.au
To read the Inquiry report and recommendations, please visit frackinginquiry.nt.gov.au
Or you can contact the Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry Implementation Taskforce at hydraulic.fracturing@nt.gov.au