Industry News

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  • 19 Jun 2024 11:44 AM | Anonymous

    The Lawler Labor Government is continuing to back industries that grow our economy, create working opportunities and secure our energy future.

    Today, the Territory Government has awarded Major Project status to Tamboran Resources for their Beetaloo basin project, and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export terminal at the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (MASDP).

    Major Project Status provides Tamboran with significant benefits, including the Territory Governments acknowledgement of the Beetaloo Basin’s significance to the Territory’s economic prosperity and working and training opportunities.

    Tamboran recently secured approval of its environmental management plan by the independent EPA for the drilling and flow testing of more wells in the Beetaloo. Tamboran has also completed its concept select process for a site it is seeking to develop at Middle Arm.

    Territorians can have confidence that Tamboran’s integrated approach to development will support the growth of the on-shore gas industry in the Beetaloo Basin – which is expected to boost the Territory economy by over $17 billion and create thousands of working opportunities for many years to come – and support the development of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

    Middle Arm will support up to 20,000 working opportunities for Territorians, with multiple proponents already slated for development.

    The Lawler Government has signed a deal with Tamboran that will provide Territory gas for Territorians for nine years with an option to extend for another six-and-a-half years. This means the first gas from the Beetaloo Basin that is expected to be will be delivered to Territory power generators is expected in the first half of 2026

    Tamborans Major Project status also provides assurances to investors of the importance that the Lawler Labor Government places on natural gas – creating more investment opportunities in the Territory.

    Source: Northern Territory Newsroom

  • 12 Jun 2024 8:15 AM | Anonymous

    The Lawler Labor Government is getting the Territory working through the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct, a precinct set to transform the NT’s Energy market and economy.

    The cornerstone project just took another step forwards, with one of its key proponents signing an agreement with a Fortune Global 500 company.

    Tivan, whose headquarters are in Darwin, have formed a strategic alliance with Japanese giant Sumitomo Corporation to drive the development and financing on Tivan’s Speewah Project.

    The Speewah project, located in East Kimberley region, is planned to produce vanadium oxides to supply the Middle Arm Development Precinct – creating a local supply chain for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB). VRFB are an optimal long duration energy storage solution, with a lifespan of over 20 years, suitable for large-scale integration with the Territory’s world class solar and gas resources.

    This landmark agreement follows a big week in the Territory resources sector, including Top End Energy being granted a petroleum exploration permit in the McArthur Basin and Tamboran Resources expanding their development in the Beetloo Sub-Basin by 15 new wells.

    Gas extracted from the Beetaloo Sub-Basin has the potential to support 13,000 jobs by 2040 and increase the Northern Territory’s economic activity by $17 billion.

    At the same time, The Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct will boost our economy with 20,000 jobs for Territorians – providing work opportunities in Darwin and right up and down the Stuart Highway.

  • 07 Jun 2024 12:37 PM | Anonymous

    The Lawler Labor Government is driving economic development in the Territory through the highly successful Resourcing the Territory (RTT) program.

    A new round of grants under the RTT program has seen a record number of recipients share in a record $4 million to begin, progress and expand a range of early stage exploration and development works.

    41 projects from 29 companies have received a share of $4 million from the Lawler Labor Government under the Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration grants. Seven of the record 29 companies are brand new to the Resourcing the Territory Program, signifying industry confidence in our growing resources sector.

    Tivan Limited, a key proponent of the Middle Arm Precinct, has been awarded $129,000 across two projects. This funding will enable drilling and geophysical projects in the Aileron area of central Australia, where innovative exploration has already identified surface lead and silver mineralisation.

    The Territory Government increased the annual funding for the Resourcing the Territory program to $9.5 million, encouraging new and expanded development in the Territory’s resources sector.

    This comes as industry confidence in the NT’s resources sector reaches new heights, with Top End Energy becoming the newest company to advance exploration in the highly prospective McArthur Basin and Tamboran Resources being granted environmental approvals to construct up to four appraisal sites, drilling, and natural gas testing of up to 15 wells in the Beetaloo Sub-basin.

    Mineral development is a huge driver of the Territory economy, the total value of the sector in the Northern Territory was $4.38 billion last year, with 5,300 working within the resources industry.

    Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom

  • 07 Jun 2024 9:02 AM | Anonymous

    The Lawler Labor Government is backing industries that get the Territory working and grow our economy. 

    Tamboran Resources has received approval of its Environment Management Plan (EMP) to construct up to four exploration and appraisal sites, and undertake drilling and flow testing of up to 15 natural gas wells in the Beetaloo Sub-basin.

    This EMP has undergone robust and stringent assessment by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security with the independent NT EPA determining the proposed activities did not meet the threshold for an environment impact assessment, in line with legislative and regulatory requirements.

    Tamboran has also committed to an emissions management regime that is consistent with the NT Government’s net zero by 2050 target, in line with NT and Commonwealth Government requirements through its Greenhouse Gas Abatement Plan as part of its EMP.

    Natural gas from the Beetaloo has the potential to provide work opportunities for thousands of Territorians, secure our energy supplies and deliver a huge boost to local businesses across the Territory.

    Supporting the gas industry to grow and provide work opportunities to Territorians is another way we are getting the Territory working.

    Gas extracted from the Beetaloo Sub-Basin has the potential to support 13,000 jobs by 2040 and increase the Northern Territory’s economic activity by $17 billion.

    The Territory Labor Government is backing the expansion of the Territory gas industry by investing $2 million each year in the 2024 Budget to conduct a regional monitoring program in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin.

    The monitoring program will ensure we have the strongest environmental safeguards and will build on the baseline data already collected through the Beetaloo SREBA.

    Approved EMPs are available here

    Source: NT Government Newsroom

  • 06 Jun 2024 12:04 PM | Anonymous

    Top End Energy has been granted NT Exploration Permit 258 (EP 258), the first such permit in the Northern Territory since 2015. This milestone follows a multi-year application process, including native title holder agreements and NT Ministerial approvals.

    The grant allows for an immediate start to the exploration program, which includes:

    • Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) Survey
    • Targeted 2D Seismic Acquisition and Data Processing
    • Geochemical Analysis of Gas Migration Pathways
    • Drill Prospect Determination and Ranking

    The exploration aims to confirm the extension of the Velkerri Shale and the presence of the Bessie Sandstone formation. It will also evaluate natural hydrogen and helium potential. The AGG survey is expected to begin in Q3 2024, funded by current cash reserves.

    This achievement sets the stage for the potential grant of additional NT permits (EP 257, EP 259, and EP 261) and reflects industry support from both federal and Territory governments for natural gas development.

    Source: Top End Energy

    Northern Territory Government Statement

  • 31 May 2024 12:06 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Top End Energy Limited (Top End or the Company) (ASX:TEE) is pleased to provide an update on the acquisition of the granted Northern Territory (NT) acreage from wholly owned subsidiaries of Hancock Prospecting Limited (Hancock), first announced on 27 February 2024.


    • Consent has been received from the Northern Land Council (NLC) for the previously announced acquisition of granted NT acreage from Hancock
    • NLC consent satisfies a critical condition for completion, with approval from the NT regulator being the final outstanding requirement
    • Transaction remains on schedule for completion in June 2024


    On 27 February 2024, the Company announced the execution of a binding term sheet (the Term Sheet) to acquire NT Exploration Permits (EP) 144, 153 and 154 (the Permits) from Minerals Australia Pty Ltd and Jacaranda Minerals Limited, wholly owned subsidiaries of Hancock (together, the Vendors)(the Transaction). On 14 May 2024, the Company announced that it had entered into a full form Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with the Vendors.

    The Company and the Vendors have since received the consent of the NLC to the transfer of the titles pursuant to the terms of the existing Co-existence and Exploration Deeds with the Traditional Owners of the Permits. This consent represents satisfaction of a critical condition required for the Transaction.

    Completion of the Transaction is now only pending approval from the NT regulator. The parties are engaging with the NT Government and expect to receive this approval in the coming weeks.

    Source: Top End Energy

    To read the full ASX Announcement, click here.

  • 30 May 2024 8:44 AM | Anonymous

    The Territory Labor Government is supporting businesses reduce waste with grants of up to $20,000 on offer to invest in equipment or technology which improves recycling.

    The Sustainable Business Solutions (SuBS) grant program has a funding pool of $500,000 available to incentivise businesses to adopt alternatives to waste disposal and help the Territory transition towards a circular economy.

    The circular economy has the potential to play a key role in helping the Territory achieve a $40 billion economy by 2030.

    Adopting new approaches to how businesses manage waste will create economic and environmental benefits for all Territorians.

    Grants up to $20,000 are available on a co-contribution basis to purchase equipment or technology for businesses to reduce their waste and improve recycling outcomes.

    Eligible equipment or technology includes those that avoid or prevent waste being generated on site or reuses waste on site and facilitates recycling. This may include cardboard perforators, commercial worm farms or food waste monitoring equipment.

    Prior to applying, businesses must undertake a waste assessment using the Bin Trim App.

    Bin Trim App will provide a customised Action Plan for the business which will include baseline waste data, low or no cost waste recycling opportunities and recommendations to purchase relevant equipment or technology.

    The business should discuss the action plan with the Small Business Champions team to understand whether the recommended equipment or technology may be eligible for grant funding under the SuBS grant program.

    Applications close on 30 June 2025 or, sooner if funding is fully allocated.

    To download the fact sheet please proceed here.

    To find out more information and to apply visit 

    Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom

  • 29 May 2024 1:37 PM | Anonymous

    Santos today announced the signing of a binding long-term LNG Supply and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with Hokkaido Gas Co., Ltd. to provide LNG from Santos’ portfolio of world-class LNG assets.

    The long-term SPA will supply up to approximately 0.4 million tonnes per annum of LNG for 10 years, commencing in 2027, from Santos’ LNG portfolio on a delivered ex-ship basis.

    Hokkaido Gas and Santos also intend to collaborate to explore carbon sequestration and e-methane opportunities to reduce carbon emissions across their respective portfolios.

    Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the contract is consistent with Santos’ strategy of maintaining long-term LNG pricing and demonstrates the value of Santos’ high-quality LNG portfolio. This agreement further demonstrates the strong demand for high heating value LNG from projects such as Barossa and PNG LNG.

    “This SPA is a significant step in developing Santos’ equity LNG portfolio and establishes a long-term relationship with Hokkaido Gas, a Japanese gas utility providing natural gas within the Hokkaido region of Japan.”

    “Our agreement with Hokkaido Gas demonstrates Santos’ commitment to providing reliable, competitive energy supplies to support our valued customers in Asia. We also look forward to working together to explore CCS and e-methane opportunities to support Japan’s and Santos’ decarbonisation targets,” Mr Gallagher said.

    Source: Santos 

  • 27 May 2024 10:58 AM | Anonymous

    Construction activity is ramping up on the Darwin Ship Lift Facility project with work progressing on and off site.

    Head contractor Clough-BMD Joint Venture (CBJV) has now fully mobilised to the East Arm site and commenced construction activity site, including:

    • locating and identifying existing underground services
    • demolishing and removing existing concrete structures
    • constructing temporary access to the ship lift site for construction vehicles.

    Construction activity completed off site includes:

    • installation of site office and crib facilities at the Common User Facility adjacent to the ship lift site on Berrimah Road
    • preparatory works for dredge spoil placement in the ponds at Darwin Port on Berrimah Road.

    Further on site construction activity planned for this month includes importing quarry materials, commencing site establishment works for dredging and placement of imported material.

    Approximately $17.8 million in supply and subcontracts to date have been awarded to local Territory businesses, including $16.9 million to Wilga Indigenous Corporation to supply quarried rock to construct the Darwin Ship Lift Facility.

    Find out more on the construction progress here. While keeping informed on the project here.

  • 24 May 2024 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    The Northern Territory Government’s vision is to become a $40 billion economy in 2030, by driving investment, creating 35,000 more jobs and growing the population.

    Infrastructure NT is working with the Investment and Major Projects Commissioners to attract private sector investment and accelerate growth.

    To increase engagement with our stakeholders and partners we have launched a new Infrastructure NT website as a central location for details and updates on the biggest enabling infrastructure projects in the Territory.

    Projects we are leading delivery of include:

    • Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct
    • Regional Logistics Hubs
    • Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage project, Manton Dam Return to Service and Strauss Water Treatment Plant as part of the Darwin Region Water Supply Program
    • Darwin Ship Lift Facility
    • Civic and State Square Precinct revitalisation.

    Australia is on the cusp of an unprecedented wave of investment in public infrastructure projects and the Territory has the strategic location, and access to resources, to capitalise on this opportunity.

    We are ensuring the Territory invests in the right infrastructure, in the right place, and at the right time, to attract more private investment to create and sustain jobs. This will support better quality of life for all Territorians.

    We will support private sector investment through the development of enabling economic and social infrastructure.

    The Territory is the land of opportunity and infrastructure plays a key role in unlocking those opportunities. Focussing on strategic infrastructure planning and investment will enable long term  sustainable economic and population growth in the Territory.

    To view the new website and register for updates please go to:

    You can also watch the introduction video for the new website.

    For more information, contact Infrastructure NT on phone (08) 8936 5696 or email

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