Industry News

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  • 08 Sep 2022 5:00 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    As the Northern Territory continues to transition to living with COVID-19, isolation rules are set to change from Friday 9 September.

    Following advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to National Cabinet the NT will see isolation for positive COVID-19 cases reduce from seven to five days.

    This change will make sure we are keeping our workforce moving while also keeping the community safe.

    Other isolation and mask wearing changes which come into effect on Friday 9 September are:

    1. Upon a positive COVID-19 test isolation starts for five days. People who have no symptoms can leave isolation at 12 noon on day five.
    2. For five days following isolation, masks must be worn when outside the home. People must also not enter a high risk facility for five days unless they live there or require access to a service. 
    3. People who work in high risk settings, including aged care and disability care, cannot return to work until day seven of their isolation period, but can leave isolation on day five to undertake their normal activities.
    4. Passengers travelling on all outbound flights from the Territory are no longer required to wear a mask while on the plane.
    5. The NT will transition to the publication of weekly COVID-19 data on the NT Health COVID-19 website.
    6. The requirements for people who are a close contact in the NT remain in place, including having a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within three days of becoming a close contact and on day six. 

    People who test positive to a Rapid Antigen Test must immediately declare their result using the online declaration form. Territorians are also required to test for COVID-19 if they experience symptoms 28 days after a COVID-19 infection.

    Free Rapid Antigen Tests are available from a number of participating GP clinics, remote and urban primary health clinics and Aboriginal health clinics across the NT. They can also be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets. For a full list of distribution points visit:

    Some people who test positive for COVID-19 are more at risk of becoming seriously ill. Anti-viral treatments are available for those at moderate to high risk but timing is critical. To ensure the best protection against COVID-19, make sure you stay up to date with your vaccinations. You can get your COVID-19 vaccine at participating GP clinics, pharmacies and respiratory clinics as well as Aboriginal health clinics. For more information and to book online visit:

  • 05 Sep 2022 3:18 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Santos has been awarded permits to undertake evaluation and appraisal work for the potential storage of carbon dioxide in the offshore Carnarvon and Bonaparte basins, off the coast of Western Australia, the company announced today.

    Permits G-9-AP and G-11-AP will enable Santos to pursue potential carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportunities with its joint venture partners.

    Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Gallagher, said the permits build on Santos’ CCS strategy and have the potential to yield additional CCS opportunities.

    “Carbon capture and storage is critical for the world to reduce emissions and in line with Santos’ net-zero scope 1 and 2 equity-share emissions by 2040 target, we are committed to looking at all options for CCS capabilities,” Mr Gallagher said.

    “Santos is working towards developing its three hub CCS strategy across our operating footprint in Australia and Timor-Leste, and the award of these permits represents further demonstration of our commitment to that strategy.

    “In the Carnarvon Basin, the permit creates potential new acreage for CCS beyond our Reindeer fields. This is particularly significant as our plans for a WA CCS hub at Reindeer and Devil Creek develop.

    “The other permit is significant in size, covering more than 26,000 square kilometres in the Bonaparte Basin. Its proximity to our Bayu-Undan CCS project, which has the potential to be one of the largest CCS projects in the world, is important as we look to build our Northern Australia and Timor-Leste CCS hub.

    “At Santos, we have the technology, infrastructure and knowledge to be able to deliver lowcost CCS competitively on a global scale. We know a large scale-up of CCS is required to meet the world’s climate objectives.

    “Working with our partners to assess the storage potential in these permit areas will provide us with a greater understanding of the geology and inform us of the possible storage opportunities.”

    Santos’ first CCS project at Moomba will be one of the biggest in the world and paves the way for a significant carbon reduction and storage story for Santos, and for Australia. The project is 20 per cent complete, with 100 million tonnes of CO2 capacity and contingent resources already booked.

    In addition, Santos’ Bayu-Undan CCS project entered into front-end engineering and design (FEED) phase earlier this year.

    G-9-AP has been awarded to Santos Offshore Pty Ltd (50% and Operator) and Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (50%) and covers an area of 3,589 km2 within the Carnarvon Basin

    G-11-AP has been awarded to Santos Offshore Pty Ltd (40% and Operator), Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (30%) and SK E&S (30%) and covers an area of 26,239 km2 within the Bonaparte Basin.

    Globally, there are 133 commercial CCS projects operational or under development.


    Source: Santos

  • 04 Sep 2022 1:11 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The voice of Australia’s upstream oil and gas industry will represent its 80,000 workers today at the Federal Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit, demonstrating how its highly skilled workforce is critical to the nation’s cleaner energy future.

    Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Chief Executive Samantha McCulloch will be among invited guests in Canberra, representing the workers responsible for delivering energy security and emission reductions at home and abroad.

    Ms McCulloch said: “The oil and gas workforce will play a pivotal role in our cleaner energy future given the skills and expertise in the sector.

    “If science and technology is to help get us there, then Australia will need the brains, skills and creativity of our people to facilitate it and our industry has a competitive advantage to do this.

    “With gas set to play a critical role in a net zero world, the industry can be the foundation for the technologies and skills to get us there.

    “Our sector employs 80,000 people upstream to power homes and businesses to deliver energy security and lower emissions, both in Australia and overseas.

    “But these people do so much more – enabling almost $500 billion of annual economic activity and supporting countless other jobs given  the role of natural gas in firming renewables in electricity generation, facilitating manufacturing and transport, and  as a feedstock to hydrogen.

    “Our members are already integrated energy companies and the skills of our workforce are transferrable to the decarbonisation technologies we will need at scale. For example, our skills in subsurface geology and reservoir characteristics give us a competitive advantage to deploy carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies.

    “Australia can also utilise its skills and knowledge as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of natural gas to enable potential new energy exports such as hydrogen.

    “The skills requirement of the oil and gas industry is strongly aligned with the future growth of the hydrogen industry.”

    To view this media release as a PDF, please click here.

  • 02 Sep 2022 11:37 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Information available on groundwater, methane and shale gas in Aboriginal languages

    Through the Aboriginal Information Program, initiated in response to recommendation 11.6 of the Inquiry, CSIRO worked collaboratively with land councils to identify immediate information requirements to support the independent provision of information to communities. In doing so factsheets and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with clear, factual and relevant content for translation into Aboriginal languages have been developed.

    Audio files about groundwater, methane and shale gas are now available to use when engaging with Aboriginal people across the Territory regarding shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing in the following languages and can be accessed at Onshore Gas Website.

    • Burarra
    • Kunwinjku
    • Murrinh-Patha
    • Warlpiri
    • Westside Kriol
    • Yolngu Matha
    • English.

    Audio files for the following languages are currently in production and will be made available when finalised:

    • Anmatyerr
    • Ngarinyman
    • Anindilyakwa
    • Pintupu-Luritja.

    CSIRO has been engaged to deliver the ongoing Community Engagement and Information Program in collaboration with NT Government, working with all interested parties including land councils and AAPA, to ensure that reliable, accessible, trusted and accurate information is effectively communicated to Aboriginal communities potentially affected by shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing in the future.

    Additional resources arising from ongoing consultations with communities will be developed through the Community Engagement and Information Program.

    Please direct all correspondence to:
    Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry Implementation Taskforce
    GPO Box 4396, Darwin NT 0801
    T 08 8999 6573

  • 30 Aug 2022 6:30 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Santos, as operator of the Barossa joint venture, today announced a final investment decision (FID) has been taken to proceed with the Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project, located offshore the Northern Territory.

    The decision will extend the Barossa Gas Export Pipeline to the Santos-operated Darwin LNG (DLNG) facility and allow for the repurposing of the existing Bayu-Undan to Darwin pipeline to facilitate carbon capture and storage (CCS) options.

    Gas from the Barossa field, located 300 kilometres north of Darwin, is intended to replace the current supply from the Bayu-Undan facility located in Timor-Leste. First gas production at DLNG using Barossa gas is targeted for the first half of 2025.

    Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the DLNG Life Extension, Darwin Pipeline Duplication and Bayu-Undan CCS projects would promote sustainable development and jobs growth in the Northern Territory and Timor-Leste, while building momentum for a whole of region carbon reduction solution.

    “Taking FID on the Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project will allow for the Barossa project to be CCS ready,” Mr Gallagher said.

    “The Bayu-Undan CCS project has the potential to capture and store up to 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum, equivalent to about 1.5 per cent of Australia’s carbon emissions each year from other projects, customers and other hard to abate industries and has the potential to be the largest CCS project in the world.”

    Adding the Darwin Pipeline Duplication project is estimated to increase Santos’ share of capital expenditure for the Barossa project by approximately US$311 million.

    The Barossa joint venture has agreed with the DLNG joint venture partners to terminate the toll arrangement for using the original Bayu-Undan to DLNG pipeline, reducing operating expenses for Barossa.

    Work is scheduled to commence on the Darwin Pipeline Duplication project in 2023, subject to Commonwealth and NT regulatory approvals.

    A final investment decision on Bayu-Undan CCS is targeted for 2023. Santos continues to work with Australian and Timor-Leste governments to establish regulatory frameworks to support future CCS operations.


    This ASX announcement was approved and authorised for release by Kevin Gallagher, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.

    Source: Santos

  • 30 Aug 2022 12:07 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The 2022 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release has been announced by the Australian Government, with approximately 46,758 square kilometres of new acreage available for exploration.

    The release in Commonwealth offshore waters comprises 10 areas across the Bonaparte, Browse, Carnarvon, and Gippsland basins off the coasts of the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Victoria, and the Ashmore and Cartier Islands.

    Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Madeleine King said the 2022 petroleum acreage release would play an important role in securing future energy supplies.

    “The annual release of areas for offshore petroleum exploration supports ongoing investment in the nation’s petroleum sector, which is vital for the economy and meeting the energy needs of Australians,” Minister King said.

    “At the same time as we strive to reduce emissions it must be emphasised that continued exploration for oil and gas in Commonwealth waters is central to alleviating future domestic gas shortfalls.”

    Gas will play a key role as a transition fuel as Australia works to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

    “Australia’s energy sector also continues to support international energy security, particularly during the global turbulence caused largely by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Minister King said.

    The 2022 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release focuses on known oil and gas provinces with accessible infrastructure. This will ensure major projects maintain steady supplies into the future and will lower costs of development in a capital constrained world.

    All areas in the release are based on industry nominations and were subject to a public consultation process. All areas are available for work-program bidding. Bidding will close on Thursday 2 March 2023.

    Maps for the release, public consultation comments and information on the bidding process can be found at the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ 2022 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release web page.

    Source: Petroleum Australia 

  • 29 Aug 2022 11:38 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Preserving Darwin Harbour’s environmental value for generations to come is an important part of meeting the sustainable objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

    The Northern Territory Government is working to transform Middle Arm into a sustainable ‘development ready’ industrial precinct.

    The precinct will be a master planned area with a focus on low emission hydrocarbons, green hydrogen, advanced manufacturing, carbon capture and storage and minerals processing.

    The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is leading the planning and design process and environmental approvals. Protecting the environment is critical to planning and design.

    The precinct is positioned to create jobs, grow manufacturing and strengthen our economy while adhering to robust sustainability principles.

    The benefits of a master planned precinct include:

    • co-locating similar industries in one place rather than spread around the harbour
    • an overarching environmental performance framework
    • shared infrastructure rather than each project duplicating
    • better certainty for the community about potential development over the next 50 years
    • assessing and managing cumulative impacts on the environment, culture, economy and society rather than incremental consideration project by project
    • greater certainty for investors and proponents about what is appropriate and acceptable at Middle Arm
    • strategic planning for the pipeline of jobs, procurement, social infrastructure and land release.

    DIPL is committed to providing regular updates on the project and engaging with stakeholders and the community.

    To find out more visit

  • 29 Aug 2022 9:31 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Preparations for the Territory’s Big Battery are taking shape with earthworks complete and installation expected to commence later this year.

    The $45m Channel Island power station battery project, known as Darwin-Katherine Battery Energy Storage System (DK BESS), is a big part of government plans to achieve 50 per cent renewable energy usage across the Territory by 2030 and zero emissions by 2050.

    The 35MVA battery is expected to pay for itself within five years by delivering cost savings close to $10 million a year for both Territorians and the government.

    The government says it will reduce emissions by about 58,000 tonnes a year.

    The battery will stabilise the Northern Territory’s power grid.

    Territory Generation chief executive Gerhard Laubscher said BESS promoted flexibility in the market.

    “The Darwin-Katherine battery not only delivers on a portion of the government’s Darwin-Katherine Electricity System Plan but is also key to unlocking flexibility in our generation fleet to better manage the increasing impacts of solar on the system,” Mr Laubscher said.

    Global technology leader Hitachi Energy has been ­selected to deliver the battery system.

    Darwin-Katherine BESS will provide energy to 150,000 Territorians, about 15 per cent of whom have roof-top solar panels.

    The BESS unlocks additional capacity for households to connect their rooftop PV or for industry to invest into lower cost solar systems for commercial and industrial operations.

    Chief Minister Natasha Fyles said the Territory was Australia’s solar leader.

    “The cutting-edge technology in our Battery Energy Storage System will reinforce the Northern Territory as the solar capital of Australia. It will store power and be the backbone of the Darwin to Katherine Electricity grid,” Ms Fyles said.

    “The Territory Labor government is backing Territorians, solar and lower prices to get it done.”

    Renewables and Energy Minister Selena Uibo said the Territory had a renewables ­future

    “This is why we are investing now in the BESS and hydrogen powered generators so we can have clean and efficient energy to help reach our renewables and net zero emission targets,” she said.

    In July, the NT Utilities Commission’s outlook report advised of increased risks of blackouts without urgent capital expenditure.

    Source: NT News

  • 25 Aug 2022 1:12 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    INPEX Browse E&P Pty Ltd (“INPEX”) today announced it has been jointly awarded a greenhouse gas storage assessment permit (title G-7-AP) with TotalEnergies CCS Australia Pty Ltd and Woodside Energy Ltd, in a joint venture known as Bonaparte CCS Assessment.

    The permit was awarded following Australia’s 2021 Offshore Greenhouse Gas Storage Acreage Release and is in the Bonaparte Basin off the northwestern coast of the Northern Territory of Australia – an area considered to be promising for geological storage of carbon dioxide in service of carbon capture and storage (CCS) activities. 

    INPEX is pleased to pursue evaluation and appraisal work in cooperation with the Bonaparte CCS Assessment Joint Venture participants, holding a 53 per cent participating interest as Operator.

    Supporting quotes

    Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia the Hon Madeleine King MP

    • Since becoming Minister I have emphasised the role the resources sector will play in Australia’s transition to net zero. 
    • The International Energy Agency has made it clear that the world won’t get to net zero by 2050 without CCUS. This offshore acreage has the potential to contribute to that important goal.

    INPEX President Director Australia Hitoshi Okawa

    • Acquiring this permit provides an exciting opportunity to prove up a large-scale carbon storage site in northern Australia, with the potential to become one of the largest CCS projects in the world.
    • INPEX believes industry and government working together is a powerful enabler for responsible energy development. We are extremely appreciative of the Australian and Japanese governments’ support, as we work towards a cleaner energy future.
    • We are proudly contributing to Australia’s lower carbon future, as mapped out in our INPEX Vision@2022 – and as Operator of both Bonaparte CCS Assessment and Ichthys joint ventures, INPEX is ideally placed to champion CCS activities in northern Australia.

    TotalEnergies Senior Vice President Asia Pacific for Exploration & Production and Renewables Julien Pouget

    • The award of this promising greenhouse gas storage assessment permit is fully in line with our strategy to provide more energy with lower emissions and our ambition to achieve net zero by 2050 together with society.
    • As partner in both Ichthys LNG and Bonaparte CCS Assessment joint ventures, TotalEnergies is well positioned to contribute to a low carbon LNG production in Australia.

    Woodside Energy CEO Meg O’Neill

    • Woodside welcomes the award of the permit as an important milestone for the Joint Venture, as it assesses the CCS potential of the permit area.
    • For Woodside, CCS will be an important addition to our portfolio of carbon management options, as we work towards our own aspiration of net zero by 2050.

    About INPEX: INPEX CORPORATION is Japan’s largest exploration and production (E&P) company, and is currently involved in projects across
    multiple continents, including Ichthys LNG in Australia as Operator. By making its energy business cleaner, while expanding its five net-zero business areas, INPEX aims to provide a stable supply of diverse and clean energy sources including natural gas, oil, hydrogen and renewables as a pioneer in energy transformation. For more information, visit or

    About TotalEnergies: TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.

    About Woodside Energy: We provide energy which Australia and the world needs to heat and cool homes, keep lights on and enable industry. We have a reputation for safe and reliable operations. We aim to thrive through the energy transition by building a low-cost, lower-carbon, profitable, resilient and diversified portfolio. Our hydrocarbon business is complemented by a growing portfolio of hydrogen, ammonia and solar opportunities in Australia and internationally. Our new energy opportunities include the proposed hydrogen and ammonia projects H2Perth and H2TAS in Australia and the proposed hydrogen project H2OK in North America.

    Source: INPEX

  • 24 Aug 2022 11:11 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Phase 2 of the Northern Territory’s Global Worker Attraction Campaign called ‘Make it to the Top’ and is now live until 31 December.

    The campaign targets skilled and semi-skilled workers aged between 18 and 45 in Australia, New Zealand, London, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Italy, Vietnam, South Africa, Taiwan, Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil, Ireland and the Philippines.

    The digital campaign is running across Seek, CareerOne, Facebook and Instagram.

    The following industries will be targeted based off industry feedback and data received from Seek during phase 1 of our Global Worker Attraction Campaign:

    • administration and office support
    • community services and development
    • construction
    • education and training
    • engineering
    • healthcare and medical
    • hospitality and tourism
    • manufacturing, transport and logistics
    • mining, resources and energy
    • retails and consumer products
    • trades and services.

    How to get involved

    Energy Club NT members can get involved by:

    • loading their Territory jobs on Seek and CareerOne
    • downloading assets from the worker attraction toolkit to entice skilled workers from interstate and overseas to move to the Territory
    • including the hashtag #movetotheTerritory on their social media posts
    • including on their job advertising, website and/or business signage so potential employees can learn more about living and working in the Territory.

    Key links

    Check out the worker attraction toolkit assets.

    View the Global Worker Attraction Campaign on The Territory website.

    For any queries, please email

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