Following a positive COVID-19 case in the Northern Territory, parts of the NT have gone into a lockdown or a lockout.
Effective from 12.01am, 5 November 2021, the Municipality of Katherine including Tindal entered into a full lockdown for 72 hours.
As a result of high vaccination rates in the Greater Darwin Region, the below areas entered into a lockout for 72 hours. This means fully-vaccinated people are able to continue to live as normal within the following Local Government Areas:
- City of Darwin
- City of Palmerston
- Litchfield Council
- Wagait Shire
- Belyuen Shire
- Dundee
- Bynoe
- Charlotte
- Cox Peninsula
Lockdown details for Katherine
Residents must stay at home for the lockdown period and are only permitted to leave for the following five reasons:
1. Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
2. For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications
3. For work that is considered essential
4. For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house
5. To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated essential workers can go to work in both Katherine and Darwin. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.
Everyone must wear a mask outside of their home.
All businesses, retail outlets, hospitality venues, gyms, pools and community centres are closed. Cafes and restaurants are able to offer take-away and delivery services.
Schools will be closed except for the children of vaccinated essential workers. Childcare centres will open only for the children of vaccinated essential workers.
Lockout details for Greater Darwin
From 12.01am, 5 November 2021, fully vaccinated residents are able to live normally within the lockout area. Everyone must wear a mask outside of their home. Unvaccinated residents, including those people who have received only their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, must stay at home for the 72 hour lockout period and are only permitted to leave for the following four reasons:
1. Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination
2. For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications
3. For work that is considered essential and can't be done at home
4. For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5km from your home with one other person or people from your house
5. To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated essential workers can go to work in both Katherine and Darwin. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.
Schools in Greater Darwin will remain open and children who are 16 years and under will be treated in the same way as fully vaccinated people. Unvaccinated parents are permitted to drop their child off at school or childcare but are not permitted to enter school grounds or childcares centres.
Businesses and organisations are obligated to ensure employees, customers, visitors and participants are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated people may access essential services only including supermarkets, hospitals or to get takeaway food.
Anyone caught breaching CHO Directions – including not wearing a mask – face a $5,000 fine.
Police have established interception points to control travel in and out of these lockdown and lockout areas.
Territorians in the lockdown and lockout areas should not travel unless it is for one of the essential reasons.
If you have symptoms, you are urged to get tested and stay isolated until you receive a negative result.
Book your COVID-19 test online at
It is critical all Territorians get the COVID-19 vaccine. You can book online or call the COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 490 484.
Close location alerts and public exposure sites
Last updated: 05 November 2021
Source: NT Government Newsroom