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  • 30 Nov 2021 11:30 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Tamboran’s T3H drilling program complete

    Tamboran Resources and Santos have completed the CY2021 drilling program of the Tanumbirini 3H (T3H) well in EP 161 in the Beetaloo Sub-basin.

    The Beetaloo Sub-basin is located within the Greater McArthur Basin in the Northern territory.

    T3H has been cased and cemented successfully, whist the Easternwell Rig 106 has been demobilised and moved off the Beetaloo Sub-basin.

    Tamboran managing director and CEO Joel Riddle said the program was managed safely, with no incidents occurring.

    “[This is] a testament to the excellent leadership and unwavering commitment to health, safety and environment by the rig crew,” Riddle said.

    Riddle said the EP 161 joint venture will now test the productivity of each well.

    “[This is] with approximately 10 stages of fracture stimulations per well in the target formation of the Mid-Velkerri ‘B’,” he said.

    “Initial flow test results are expected in December 2021.”

    “Key learnings” as well as knowledge have been provided by the The CY2021 drilling program in EP 161, Riddle added.

    “We intend to incorporate [these learnings] into the drilling of the 100 per cent owned and operated Maverick 1H, located in EP 136, during CY2022,” he said.

    Tamboran Resources Limited is a natural gas company planning to have a constructive role in the global energy transition to a lower carbon future.

    The company is accomplishing this through the development of low Co2 unconventional natural gas resources in the Beetaloo Sub-basin.

    The announcement comes after Tamboran secured $20 million from founder, chairman and chief executive of US Permian Basin independent Parsley Energy Bryan Sheffield.

    Santos is Australia’s second-largest independent oil and gas producer.

    Source: Oil & Gas Today

  • 14 Nov 2021 7:26 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Falcon Oil & Gas releases it's preliminary petrophysical interpretation of the Velkerri-76 wireline logs.

    View full announcement

  • 08 Nov 2021 8:36 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Carpentaria-2H Drilling Commences 

    Empire Energy Group Limited (“Empire”) is pleased to announce that it has started drilling the C-2H well in Empire’s 100% owned and operated EP187, located in the Beetaloo Sub-basin, Northern Territory.

    The C-2H well is located 11 kilometres north of the successful Carpentaria-1 well and on the same 2D seismic line. C-2H is targeting the same middle Velkerri Formation shale units as Carpentaria-1 although mapped over 200 metres deeper.

    With the additional depth, greater formation pressure and a moderately drier gas composition is anticipated. The continuity of the shale markers within the seismic section between the two well locations provide confidence in the depth prognosis at C-2H.

    After completion of drilling and formation evaluation, C-2H will be cased and suspended prior to rig release. Empire’s technical team will then analyse the results and plan the C-2H fracture stimulation and flow testing program to be undertaken following the wet season.

    Click here to view full ASX release

    Source: Empire Energy

  • 05 Nov 2021 8:00 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Following a positive COVID-19 case in the Northern Territory, parts of the NT have gone into a lockdown or a lockout.

    Effective from 12.01am, 5 November 2021, the Municipality of Katherine including Tindal  entered into a full lockdown for 72 hours.

    As a result of high vaccination rates in the Greater Darwin Region, the below areas entered into a lockout for 72 hours. This means fully-vaccinated people are able to continue to live as normal within the following Local Government Areas:

    • City of Darwin
    • City of Palmerston
    • Litchfield Council
    • Wagait Shire
    • Belyuen Shire
    • Dundee
    • Bynoe
    • Charlotte
    • Cox Peninsula

    Lockdown details for Katherine

    Residents must stay at home for the lockdown period and are only permitted to leave for the following five reasons:

    1. Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination

    2. For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications

    3. For work that is considered essential

    4. For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house

    5. To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.

    Vaccinated and unvaccinated essential workers can go to work in both Katherine and Darwin. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.

    Everyone must wear a mask outside of their home.

    All businesses, retail outlets, hospitality venues, gyms, pools and community centres are closed. Cafes and restaurants are able to offer take-away and delivery services.

    Schools will be closed except for the children of vaccinated essential workers. Childcare centres will open only for the children of vaccinated essential workers.

    Lockout details for Greater Darwin

    From 12.01am, 5 November 2021, fully vaccinated residents are able to live normally within the lockout area. Everyone must wear a mask outside of their home. Unvaccinated residents, including those people who have received only their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, must stay at home for the 72 hour lockout period and are only permitted to leave for the following four reasons:

    1. Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination

    2. For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications

    3. For work that is considered essential and can't be done at home

    4. For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5km from your home with one other person or people from your house

    5. To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.

    Vaccinated and unvaccinated essential workers can go to work in both Katherine and Darwin. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.

    Schools in Greater Darwin will remain open and children who are 16 years and under will be treated in the same way as fully vaccinated people. Unvaccinated parents are permitted to drop their child off at school or childcare but are not permitted to enter school grounds or childcares centres.

    Businesses and organisations are obligated to ensure employees, customers, visitors and participants are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated people may access essential services only including supermarkets, hospitals or to get takeaway food.

    Anyone caught breaching CHO Directions – including not wearing a mask – face a $5,000 fine.

    Police have established interception points to control travel in and out of these lockdown and lockout areas.

    Territorians in the lockdown and lockout areas should not travel unless it is for one of the essential reasons.

    If you have symptoms, you are urged to get tested and stay isolated until you receive a negative result.

    Book your COVID-19 test online at

    It is critical all Territorians get the COVID-19 vaccine. You can book online or call the COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 490 484.

    Close location alerts and public exposure sites

    Last updated: 05 November 2021

    Source: NT Government Newsroom

  • 01 Nov 2021 9:28 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    A new study is underway in Alice Springs, with wind being assessed as a potential form of renewable energy.  

    Currently solar is the only renewable resource available at a scale that can contribute to powering the Alice Springs electricity grid. Wind energy would be complementary to solar because it is available day and night.

    The Alice Springs Future Grid project has deployed two wind monitoring units as part of a study into whether there could be a second renewable energy resource available to Alice Springs.

    The local wind resource is being measured with Sonic Detection and Ranging units, located at the Desert Knowledge Precinct and on Territory Generation’s land at the Owen Springs power station.

    Alice Springs technical consultancy and Future Grid Consortium Member, Ekistica, is leading the Wind Monitoring Study. Data will be collected over the course of one year and shared publicly at its conclusion.

    “Alice Springs has one of the highest levels of solar irradiance in the world. However, we have a strong history of renewable energy innovation and are always looking to see how we might be able to harness new renewable energy options in Central Australia”.
    - Lyndon Frearson, Project Director of Alice Springs Future Grid

    The Territory Government knows that investing in renewables delivers clean, affordable and reliable energy for Territorians, attracts new private investment and creates more local jobs. This approach is realised in government initiatives and investments in projects such as the procurement of the Darwin-Katherine 35MW Big Battery, the Sun Cable project in the Barkly and the Home and Business Battery Scheme

    Source: Innovation NT

  • 28 Oct 2021 2:03 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The Northern Territory Government in partnership with the CSIRO, industry and engineering companies have today signed an Agreement to fast-track emissions reduction across Northern Australia’ energy sector. 

    The Agreement will see all parties, including INPEX, Santos, Eni, Woodside, Xodus Group and Origin Energy, develop a joint business case to assess the viability of a large-scale low emission Carbon Capture and Utilisation and Storage Hub at Middle Arm. 

    The Hub would be one of the largest multi-user, multi-access facilities in the world, and will create a long-term and more sustainable solution to storing carbon across Northern Australia.

    The Hub would:

    ·  Transform Middle Arm into a globally competitive and sustainable energy and manufacturing precinct;

    ·  Enable the Territory to meet the growing demand for low carbon energy, both domestically and internationally;

    ·  Accelerate the creation of low emission advanced manufacturing; and

    ·  Enable carbon from other industrial sectors to be captured and stored.

    The Hub would also drive job creation and sustainable economic growth in the Territory.

    The business case will be supported by detailed reports, and techno-economic models, to chart development and highlight investment opportunities.

    With increasing demand for low carbon products, the Hub also presents a significant investment opportunity, with confidence the Territory is committed to future-proofing development in a net zero emissions future.

    The Agreement was signed at the South East Asia Australia Offshore and Onshore Conference (SEAAOC) in Darwin.

    Quotes from Chief Minister Michael Gunner:

    “We are working with CSIRO, Australia’s best scientists and industry to ensure the Territory is positioned to capture the opportunities as countries and industries advance towards Net Zero.

    “The CCUS hub will be a game-changer in positioning Middle Arm as a magnet for investment, which will create more jobs and trigger new opportunities within the Territory.

    “Our message is clear – we are Australia’s comeback capital and we are open for business.” 

    Quotes from Minister for Environment Eva Lawler:

    “The signing of this agreement marks an important step forward with Government, scientists and industry coming together to develop a world-class facility to achieve our net zero emission by 2050. 

    “We are committed to doing business sustainably here in the Territory, and this means constantly hunting new opportunities and always looking ahead.

    “There’s already plenty happening in this space – Sun Cable Australia-Asia PowerLink were on the ground in the Barkly last week as the Territory will host the world’s largest solar farm and renewable energy system in the world. We are also exploring new opportunities around renewable hydrogen, which will create new jobs for Territorians and help expand industry.”

    Michael Gunner
    Chief Minister of the Northern Territory

    Eva Lawler
    Minister for Environment

    Source: NT Government

  • 27 Oct 2021 5:03 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Empire Energy MOU Executed with APA Group

    • APA Group (ASX: APA) and Empire have today executed an MOU to explore opportunities for the development of Beetaloo mid-stream infrastructure including gas and liquids gathering, processing and pipelines

    • Empire and APA will promote a ‘common user’ model for development of Beetaloo Sub-basin infrastructure to drive economic outcomes

    • APA’s Northern Strategy envisages expansion of its Amadeus Gas Pipeline connecting to Darwin

    • APA’s Eastern Strategy includes development of a new Beetaloo gas pipeline connecting to eastern markets via APA’s continuous gas distribution network

    Empire Energy Group Limited (“Empire” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has executed a transportation services memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) with APA Transmission Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of APA Group Limited (“APA”). APA is a leading Australian energy infrastructure business and its continuous network of gas pipelines on the east coast access all the principal east coast markets including Gladstone, Brisbane, Mount Isa, Wallumbilla, Sydney, and Melbourne.

    APA owns the Amadeus Gas Pipeline in the Northern Territory. APA and Empire have executed the MOU to explore opportunities to enter appropriate development and commercial agreements for APA to build, own and operate gathering, production, processing, and transportation infrastructure for the movement of gas and liquids from Empire’s Northern Territory assets.

    APA and Empire will also promote a ‘common user’ model for development of the Beetaloo Sub-basin infrastructure to drive economies of scale benefits and lower cost per unit charges. In addition, APA proposes a staged and incremental development approach for the Beetaloo Sub-basin, thereby leveraging its network to reduce the required initial capital investment and align the pace of upstream development.

    The MOU does not restrict Empire from engaging, negotiating and entering into agreements for use of the McArthur River Gas Pipeline.

    Download a copy of the media release here

    Source: Empire Energy

  • 27 Oct 2021 4:52 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The integration of solar energy into Australia’s liquid natural gas (LNG) industry could dramatically reduce Australia’s carbon footprint while also creating thousands of additional jobs. 

    That’s the conclusion of a report released today by Charles Darwin University (CDU) and NERA (National Energy Resources Australia), the federally funded, independent not-for-profit set up to drive collaboration and growth in the energy resources sector. 

    The report, produced with support from Santos, Sun Cable and the Northern Territory Government, used the Santos-operated Darwin LNG facility as a technical case study, to examine the potential to decarbonise LNG facilities at sites across the NT, Qld and WA via electrification and large-scale renewables. 

    The report’s authors concluded solar energy integration was potentially economically viable to offset up to 50 per cent of the plant’s emissions from electricity generation. Additional savings of nearly three times that amount could be offset with solar energy by retro-fitting ‘helper motors’ to partially electrify the plant’s compression turbines which currently run on gas. 

    Professor Suresh Thennadil, Director of the Energy and Resources Institute at CDU, said: “If this integration was implemented at all of Australia’s LNG plants, the initiative could reduce Australia’s CO2 emissions by around 5m tonnes per annum. That’s around one per cent of Australia’s total emissions” [up to nine per cent of the reductions required to meet Australia’s 2030 targets]. 

    The NT Minister for Renewables and Energy Eva Lawler, said the findings showed the potential of solar energy to slash the emissions of the country’s LNG sector. 

    “This innovative collaboration demonstrates the opportunity for the Northern Territory — and Australia — to be a leader in the journey to Net Zero. Leveraging our renewable resources to power the LNG sector could reduce the Territory’s emissions, create jobs, and position Territory exports as a low-carbon premium product. This opportunity complements other initiatives being advanced in the Northern Territory, including developing a Carbon Capture and Storage Hub and building a renewable hydrogen industry.” 

    Miranda Taylor, CEO of NERA, said that given the massive potential emissions reductions, government investment is needed. 

    “With Net Zero goals being set globally, the LNG industry must explore all opportunities to decarbonise if it wants to stay relevant and sustainable for the decades to come. 

    “The Australian LNG industry has historically been a relatively high-emissions industry, so seeing how the integration of renewable, solar energy — of which Australia has an abundance — can make dramatic reductions is a big step forward. 

    “We now need to see more investment to further investigate and implement using this technology to assist in the decarbonisation of LNG. In doing so, we will take strides in establishing Australian LNG as a premium, low-carbon product in the emerging climate-differentiated LNG market.” 

    The report also found that the integration of solar energy into Australia’s LNG industry could increase the nation’s energy security by saving over 97m GJ of gas a year — equivalent to more than 10 per cent of domestic demand — and create over 1,000 construction jobs and 868 ongoing jobs. 

    For Sun Cable, who are planning to develop the world’s largest solar farm and battery storage facility in the Northern Territory, the study results provide them with great assurance. 

    Sun Cable CEO David Griffin said “This study is an important reinforcement of the viability, impact and environmental benefits of Sun Cable’s Australia-Asia PowerLink project for the Northern Territory, wider Australia and our region. 

    “The Australia-Asia PowerLink will help unlock economic opportunities by providing affordable, dispatchable, renewable electricity at scale. We can use our abundant levels of solar energy to remove embedded emissions in our domestic and export industries, as well as directly exporting electricity overseas, making Australia a modern renewable energy superpower.” 

    Find out more about the collaborative project here

    View the final report here.

    Source: NERA

  • 27 Oct 2021 11:00 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Global Energy Ventures Ltd (ASX: GEV, the Company) is pleased to announce the development of a 2.8 GW / 100,000 tpa of green hydrogen export project on the Tiwi Islands, Northern Territory.

    Click here to view full media release. 

  • 25 Oct 2021 10:40 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Download the latest ASX announcement from Central Petroleum here 

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