Industry News

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  • 05 Oct 2021 10:23 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The Hydrogen Hubs Development and Design grant opportunity supports the Australian hydrogen industry to develop and advance clean hydrogen hub concepts to investment ready proposals.

    Your proposal should also address the objectives of the Hydrogen Hubs Development and Design Grants:

    • advance planning for the construction of a variety of hydrogen hubs across Australia, with a clear intention to stimulate demand and facilitate the production of clean hydrogen for domestic and export markets 
    • develop and/or demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen hubs proposals
    • demonstrate employment, knowledge, technological, public and commercial value of regional hydrogen hubs.

    For more information:

  • 30 Sep 2021 4:43 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    The Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) studies were key recommendations from the Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory.

    The NT Government engaged The University of Queensland (UQ) through a direct procurement process to complete the Scope of Works for the Social, Cultural and Economic SREBA Studies in April 2021.

    Delivery of Stage 1, to develop the Scope of Works for Stage 2, has been extended by four weeks to enable completion of stakeholder engagement delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Delivery of Stage 1 is now due in November 2021.

    The interdisciplinary UQ team, made up of highly-experienced academics has contacted all identified stakeholders for Stage 1. UQ has had direct engagement with over half of these stakeholders and is following up with those remaining.

    Much of the work to finalise Stage 1 is now complete, including:

    • Data mapping – a desktop review of existing social, cultural and economic data for the Beetaloo region and data gaps
    • Stakeholder engagement with over half the identified stakeholders
    • Literature review of global best practice
    • Establishment of an independent expert advisory panel
    • Full UQ human research ethics application process initiated.

    The work required to finalise Stage 1, includes:

    • Stakeholder engagement with the remaining identified stakeholders
    • Define and outline participatory methods for conduct of baseline and strategic assessment (for the next stages in 2022)
    • Submit ethics application for review in November 2021.
    UQ understands and recognises that on-country engagement is a crucial component of Stage 2. Suitable and appropriate participatory methods for the Social, Cultural and Economic SREBA Studies in 2022 are being informed by stakeholder engagement. Preliminary engagement with service providers, representative organisations and those working closely with communities in the Beetaloo region and their interests is planned for January to March 2022. Extensive on-country and regional engagement is expected between March and September 2022.

    Any stakeholders not already engaged, wishing to contribute to Stage 1 can arrange a meeting with UQ via email at

    Please direct all correspondence to:
    Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry Implementation Taskforce
    GPO Box 4396, Darwin NT 0801
    T 08 8999 6573

  • 29 Sep 2021 7:00 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, the Northern Territory Government, industry and engineering companies have joined forces to develop a path towards rapid emissions reduction across the energy sector in Northern Australia.

    CSIRO will lead the new consortium in the development of a business case to assess the viability of a large-scale low emissions Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage* (CCUS) Hub outside of Darwin.

    The Hub would both significantly reduce emissions, but also catalyse the growth of new sustainable industries that could continue throughout the energy transition. If built, it would be one of the world’s largest facilities of its kind, open to a wide range of different industries.

    If realised, the Hub would enable the development of an interconnected hydrogen industry and the utilisation of the carbon dioxide captured in other industrial processes, such as production of other non-fossil fuel alternatives for transportation. It could also create a blueprint for future low emissions hubs around Australia. 

    The business case will assess the Hub’s viability and outline options to significantly reduce the emissions of the Territory’s gas industry, providing a tangible pathway towards the region’s net zero emissions targets.

    CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall, said CSIRO’s expertise across the energy domain, along with its deep connection with industry, meant it was well placed to lead the work.

     “As Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO is always looking for ways to bring business and government together to envision and deliver a more sustainable future for some of our largest industries,” Dr Marshall said. 

    “The NT Hub could create new jobs and export pathways, and give Australia a global advantage by pushing the boundaries of science and technology to put home-grown innovation into real world demonstration projects, including through our Hydrogen Industry mission.”

    With expertise in hydrogen and CCUS, CSIRO will provide impartial scientific advice, coordinate the development of detailed concept designs, build international linkages, and conduct geological research and economic and customer studies. 

    The business case will apply best practice learnings from international low emission industrial hub projects. It will also consider all technology solutions and engage with industry and community stakeholder groups as Australia navigates the transition pathway to a low emissions future.    

    Industry and engineering companies who have committed to collaborating on the business case include Santos, INPEX, Woodside, Eni, Origin Energy and Xodus. 

    Notes to Editors

    Quotes from Chief Minister Michael Gunner: 

    “The Northern Territory is a natural fit for this investment. We are home to world-class natural gas and solar resources and subsurface carbon dioxide storage capacity, and we are on the doorstep of key international energy export markets.  

    “The Territory Government is committed to working to identify ways to rapidly decarbonise existing energy supplies whilst attracting future zero emission industries to the Territory.” 

    Quotes from industry and engineering companies


    Phil Granger, Vice President of Growth at INPEX said: “The INPEX-led Ichthys Joint Venture is proud to explore sustainable energy solutions through the development of the Northern Territory Low Emissions Hub Business Case. Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the Ichthys Field have been identified, and we look forward to progressing these in partnership with the Northern Territory Government, CSIRO and other Hub participants.”


    Kevin Gallagher, Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer said: “The Northern Territory will play a major role in the region’s uptake of carbon capture and storage, recognised by the International Energy Agency and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a key part of the global climate change solution. Santos’ experience with the globally-competitive Moomba CCS project in outback South Australia and our proposed project at Bayu-Undan in Timor Leste, will bring invaluable experience to the Northern Territory and we are delighted to partner with the CSIRO, governments and industry along this decarbonisation pathway.”


    “Eni, a founding member of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), has a 2050 Scope 1, 2 and 3 net zero commitment and is a major gas and solar energy supplier to the Northern Territory. For Eni, the development of a CCS Hub in Darwin would provide a path to a low emissions development of its Evans Shoal gas field. Eni is fully supportive of an NT CCS Hub that could create long term new low-carbon business opportunities for Australia and with the potential for a cross-border collaboration with neighbouring Timor-Leste.”


    Shaun Gregory, Executive Vice President Sustainability said: “This collaboration has potential to progress the development of a significant CCUS hub in the NT. CCUS technology can deliver large-scale, permanent carbon sequestration and we believe there is no sector better placed to invest and deliver CCUS projects than ours.”


    Simon Allison, Regional Director of APAC at Xodus said: “Xodus is proud to be a collaborator in this transformational opportunity for the Australian energy industry. Initiatives such as the Northern Territory Low Emission CCUS Hub will ensure we are able to meet domestic and export demand for cleaner energy, while positioning the local industry for rapid decarbonisation. It is an exciting chance for Xodus to contribute to a responsible energy future.”

    *Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) is an emerging technology with the potential to reduce emissions from industrial processes including resource power plants and heavy industry. The CO2 is separated from other gases and compressed. It can then be permanently stored in underground geological formations or used to create commercial products.

    News source: CSIRO 

  • 23 Sep 2021 5:39 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Sun Cable is progressing development of the Australia-Asia PowerLink (AAPowerLink). An updated factsheet on this project is available here:

    TN_Suncable_4pg Community Information Factsheet_Sept21.pdf 

    A key activity being undertaken is the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); which includes a Social Impact Assessment (SIA). Sun Cable has engaged True North Strategic Communication to conduct the SIA, with Dr Jane Munday appointed to manage this scope.

    To support the completion of these studies, Sun Cable and True North will be consulting with key stakeholders to understand the opportunities and impacts associated with the development of the AAPowerLink. Feedback will help to inform the planning and design of the project. 

    True North will be arranging briefings and community information sessions in Darwin, Litchfield, Tennant Creek, Elliott and communities along the overhead transmission line. A schedule for the greater Darwin region information sessions is available below. The other locations are being scheduled for October.

    AAPowerLink - Darwin community information sessions.pdf

    Sun Cable are targeting submission of the EIS to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) for public exhibition in early 2022. The NT EPA process will include an opportunity for stakeholder and community comments. The NT EPA will then make a determination on the development proposal, which will be subject to ministerial approval. 

    By way of background, Sun Cable self referred the AAPowerLink project to the NT-EPA in October 2020 and proceeded to an EIS. Subsequently, a variation was lodged in August 2021 to support the relocation of the proposed Darwin based infrastructure from Middle Arm to Murrumujuk. These documents and the Terms of Reference for the EIS are available at the link below:

    Source: Sun Cable

  • 16 Sep 2021 2:59 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    An independent report has forecast a bright decade ahead for the Northern Territory courtesy of INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG.

    The assessment, by leading independent economics firm ACIL Allen, outlines social and economic benefits to the Northern Territory up to 2030.

    ACIL Allen considered business indicators such as operational and capital expenditure, employment and local contract values to assess Ichthys LNG’s contribution to Gross Territory Product, wages and salaries paid to Territory workers, population growth, social services and the valuable contribution of volunteers in the community.

    Minister for Mining and Industry, Nicole Manison welcomed the study and the economic and social contribution INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG is continuing to make to the Territory.

    “It is fantastic to see that Ichthys LNG continues to deliver local jobs and real benefits for Territorians.

    “It’s because of developments like this we have world-class jobs right here and the future is bright for this industry, meaning even more jobs for Territorians and benefits to local businesses,” Minister Mansion said.

    INPEX General Manager Northern Territory Roland Houareau said the findings identify significant multi-generational benefits for the Territory’s community and local businesses.

    Roland said INPEX and its joint venture participants were proud of the contribution Ichthys LNG continues to make to the Territory, noting that for every full-time job created by Ichthys LNG, a further two jobs are created at another business in Darwin.

    “The taxation payments we’re making to the Northern Territory Government are substantial and equivalent to funding the development of two new primary schools every year over the 10-year study period.

    “It’s a privilege for INPEX to call the Northern Territory our second home, and to contribute to the Territory’s economic growth, with about 550 Ichthys LNG families active in the Darwin community.”

    Roland said the contribution of the Ichthys LNG workforce to local communities and organisations is outstanding and includes more than 50,000 hours of volunteering every year.

    “Many more people benefit from Ichthys LNG than we initially anticipated, and the social and economic benefits will continue to flow to local businesses and the community for decades to come,” Roland said.

    Source: INPEX Media Centre -

  • 15 Sep 2021 7:07 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Bayu-Undan Joint Venture and Timor-Leste’s ANPM sign MOU on Bayu-Undan Carbon Capture and Storage

    Santos, as operator of the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture, today announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Timor-Leste regulator Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) to progress Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at Bayu-Undan in the Timor Sea.

    The MOU details the areas the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture and the ANPM, with the support of the Timor-Leste Government, will work on collaboratively to test the viability of repurposing the existing Bayu-Undan facilities and using the Bayu-Undan reservoir for CCS. These include sharing technical, operational and commercial information, assessing the regulatory framework, evaluating local capacity opportunities and establishing a decision timeline.

    Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said: “We believe the Bayu-Undan reservoir and facilities have the potential to be a world-leading CCS project and we are delighted to be working together with the ANPM and the Timor-Leste Government to progress this opportunity.

    “CCS is recognised by the International Energy Agency and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as being a critical technology to achieve the world’s climate goals. Santos’ experience with the globally-competitive Moomba CCS project in outback South Australia will bring invaluable experience to the project.

    “CCS at Bayu-Undan has potential capacity to safely and permanently store approximately 10 million tonnes per annum of CO2 and could build a new job-creating and revenue-generating industry for Timor-Leste.

    “This has the potential to be a win-win; good for the environment, good for industry and opening up an exciting opportunity for the people of Timor-Leste, so we look forward to progressing this MOU in partnership with the ANPM.”

    ANPM President Florentino Soares Ferreira said: “This is a milestone for Timor-Leste. With the signing of the CCS MOU between Santos (representing its Joint Venture partners) and ANPM proves that Timor-Leste is proactively taking the lead in integrating its oil and gas sector towards Timor-Leste’s commitment of accelerating decarbonization and meeting the U.N. net zero target by 2050.

    “Despite Timor-Leste being one of the lowest emission countries in the world, and that the Paris Agreement provides waiver or concession to the developing and less developed nations such as Timor-Leste; we understand that carbon trading or carbon credits market is an integral part of our future economy. We don’t want to miss this opportunity; and I believe this will become one of the largest CCS projects in the Southern Hemisphere. This will enable both Timor-Leste and Australia to exploit its untapped resources in meeting energy demands as well as offsetting its carbon emissions and transitioning towards carbon neutral economies.”

    Santos has a 43.4% operated interest in Bayu-Undan. The remaining interest is held by SK E&S (25%), INPEX (11.4%), Eni (11%) and Tokyo Timor Sea Resources (9.2%)

    Source: Santos Newsroom (

  • 07 Sep 2021 9:19 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Positive results from extended production testing at the Amungee NW-1 well in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin have increased Origin’s understanding of the Velkerri dry gas play.

    Average gas rates of 1.23 million cubic feet per day (1.23 MMscf/d) have been observed over the first three weeks of production testing, however importantly the majority of these flows came from only a portion of the well.

    Specialist diagnostic equipment has been used to determine the extent to which these observed gas flows come from different fracture stimulation stages before or beyond a certain point in the well that was thought to be restricting the flow of gas across the  full production zone. Between 5%-15% of gas flow are coming from the stages beyond this point with the majority of flows measured, between 85%-95%, coming from the first 200m section of the well.

    The result from this section, which has been independently verified, can now reasonably be considered to represent the deliverability that could be achieved across the full production zone of this and further wells drilled and fracture stimulated in the same Velkerri shale formation.  It suggests a normalised gas flow rate equivalent of between 5.2 and 5.8 million cubic feet per day (MMscf/d) per 1,000m of lateral.

    It suggests a normalised gas flow rate equivalent of between 5.2 and 5.8 million cubic feet per day (MMscf/d) per 1,000m of lateral. A typical future production well may have a lateral production section up to 3,000m long.

    Origin General Manager Beetaloo and Growth Assets, Mr Chris White, said, “This is a  positive result that supports the decision to undertake a second extended production test at the Amungee well as part of this year’s work program.

    “These results significantly increase our assessment of potential deliverability and commerciality of future wells in this area.

    “While further work will be required in coming years to determine if the result can be reproduced on a larger scale, this result indicates the Velkerri dry gas play may be in line with commercial shale plays around the world, based on normalised production rates,” Mr White said.

    The extended production test at Amungee is continuing.

    Published on September 6, 2021

    By: The Origin Beetaloo Exploration Project

  • 27 Aug 2021 7:34 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Empire Energy is pleased to provide shareholders with an update regarding the the operations in Empire’s 100% owned and operated EP187 tenement, located onshore Northern Territory in the Beetaloo Sub-basin. 

    To read the full ASX Announcement click here. 

  • 26 Aug 2021 9:05 AM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Looking for ideas for your business to transition to renewable energy?

    The NT National Innovation Games Renewable Energy Series is designed to contribute to the work being undertaken to support Territorians transitioning to renewable energy. Join Paddl Co. in a two day challenge innovation series focusing on developing solutions to small business challenges through energy transition.

    Your attendance is flexible over the two days and Paddl Co. will work with you to reduce the impact on your time away from the office and staff.

    Register your interest

    View business flyer for more information

  • 19 Aug 2021 12:54 PM | Stephanie Berlin (Administrator)

    Empire Energy Groups' Managing Director Alex Underwood interviewed by Matt Birney on the Bulls N’ Bears Report about Empire’s exquisite land acquisition in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo gas basin that sent its in-ground gas resources in the region skyrocketing.

    Sourced from 3AW, Listen via stream below:  

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